21 apr. 2012

Hour 5

I've just finished Eat Slay Love by Jesse Petersen. I'm kinda disappointed; I thought this was the last part in the series, but it didn't give me the ending I wanted. A lot of things still seems unresolved and it feels like there should be a continuation but there doesn't appear to be one.

My entry in the hour 5 mini-challenge:

Invisible strange music chime in the night garden.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Oh I've read In the Night Garden! Nice story :)
    Need to go find some mini-challenges to do...keep up the great pace!

    Dee, cheering from e-Volving Books[Team Puck]

  2. Yes, In the Night Garden is amazing, I love all Cat Valente's books.
    And thanks for the cheering! :)

  3. I like your sentence, it's quite poetic. :)

  4. You're doing awesome so far! I still haven't finished a book yet, so kodus to you for already having one done. =) I love your sentence! I couldn't come up with anything. All my books have extremely strange titles that wouldn't work in a sentence. Oh well, I guess. Anyways, don't be afraid to take a break if you have to! It'll keep you refreshed, so you can stay up all night reading vigorously. =) Great job so far, and good luck for the rest of the readathon!

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life [Team Puck]

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! And yes, I think a break is due soon. My eyes are entering the itchiness state...

  5. Aww I love it!! Awesome book sentense! :) Creativity rules the world ;) :)

  6. Great Sentence! I hope you are enjoying the readathon and getting lots of reading done!
