16 apr. 2012

T minus 6 days

So the last readathon was a bit of a failure on my part. I pulled the I'm-gonna-close-my-eyes-for-five-minutes deal in Hour 14, and then I slept the whole thing through, waking up disappointed after the finale.
It's not so much the falling asleep that irks me (well, that too), but more not making a conscious decision to stop and go to bed. I feel betrayed by my own body. Maybe that's a little too harsh, but still.

But, I'll aim to do better this go around. Practice makes perfect, right? My accumulated readathon experience tells me the following:
  • A pile of light books is needed for the last half of the readathon. Romance without too many twists and plotlines is good. YA often works well.
  • Think short. The kick that the sense of accomplishment in finishing a book gives is everything at Hour 18. Anthologies are awesome for multiple reasons, (1) the shortness of each novella keeps you from drifting off, (2) you get a mini-shot of accomplishment after finishing each one.
  • The more tired I get, the more difficult is it for me to read in English. Keep a few Swedish books for the last hours of the readathon.
  • Keep an alarm set for every two (one?) hours in case of accidental naps.
So, what books will I read? I confess, the readathon sneaked up on me this year. I woke up yesterday morning thinking it was this weekend and that I already had missed half of it. Luckily, it was not. Still, only having a week of prep time and limited resources money-wise means no ordering new books for the occasion.* I'll have to make do with what the library has to offer and what I have lying around unread. This shouldn't really be a problem, considering that I still haven't read many of the books on last year's readathon list.
At the moment I've not yet gone through my TBR pile and picked out exactly what to read, but I'll return later in the week with a complete list.

Gah, the excitement!

*Maybe I'll sneak in a visit to the book shop. But I really, really shouldn't.

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